Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Tag Team VP's

 It would be an interesting notion to think of Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton swapping jobs in 2012, however much can happen in the next year. If the pace at which the President is going continues it may not be a terrible idea. I cannot believe I’m saying this but I think Hillary would make a good VP, well better than Biden. The Gallup has Clintons approval rating at 51% whereas Biden’s is at 42%. That being the case Obama’s camp may want a more likable character seated next to him when re-election is right around the corner. Another interesting thing to think about is that Obama has an average of a 44% approval rating, and seeing how Clinton ran opposite Obama in the 2008 election, it would be hard not to think she has her sights set on the White House for the next presidential election. With that thought in mind she may not want to get to close to the Oval Office just yet for fear of being judged by the company she kept. This discussion may just be for naught, I mean Biden may manage to keep his foot out of his mouth for the next year and produce more to this administration than just comical relief. This article was a very easy read, and had a lot of food for thought.  I had not ever thought of this large of a switch near the end of someone’s presidency. 

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